Bare Your Soul Sessions - creative portrait photography sessions in Columbus, Ohio

creative portrait photography in columbus ohio, woman in the magnolias at sunset

I have a new offering that I’m SO excited about: Bare Your Soul sessions. This is an opportunity for a deeply creative solo portrait photography session at one of my suggested locations around Columbus, Ohio.

Not quite boudoir (I am just not cool enough to pull that off), but definitely not your average headshot, these sessions are meant to be a collaboration between you and I with the goal of celebrating your unique beauty, capturing a bit of your soul, and creating something to cherish JUST FOR YOURSELF. My hope is that we can work together to dig a little deeper and create something that is a reflection of what’s inside, because I know there is great beauty there.

creative portrait photography in columbus ohio, woman standing in the water at sunrise, silhouette with sunrays behind her

These creative portrait photography sessions are open to ANYONE who resonates with what I’ve written above. They are not meant to replace family photos and are not available for more than one person at a time.

Since I’ve only just begun offering these and they are in a bit of a trial phase, they’re priced accordingly at $300 for a 30 minute session and all digital images. That includes time spent collaborating to bring our shared vision to life, guidance on location and what to wear, the session itself and a private online gallery where you can download your images and order professional prints if you like.

I have four openings for Bare Your Soul Sessions, all at sunrise, location tbd (choose from a few suggestions): June 10, July 1, July 15, July 29

Want to grab one? Reach out and let me know. I’d love to go on this journey with you!


Documentary Family Photography in Columbus, Ohio


A Creative Family Photoshoot at Alum Creek // Columbus, Ohio