Is an Alum Creek beach photo session a good fit for your family?

Is an Alum Creek beach photo session a good fit for your family?

columbus family photographer mom and son playing in the water at alum creek state park

Well that depends - do you like to have fun?

In all seriousness though, when you’re investing time, money and energy into a photo session, it’s important to consider your location. While my top choice will always be to have your photos taken at home or another place that holds sentimental value, a beach session is a close runner up. If you’re from Columbus, Ohio, Alum Creek State Park Beach is a great location for beautiful images, especially during non-summer months.

When you plan for a session by the water, you can expect an element of playfulness, beautiful natural light, and a relaxed vibe in your images. If you’re a family who enjoys playing together and walking barefoot in the sand, and you’re not looking for perfection (ie your clothes are gonna get wet) this might be a great option for you.

Here are some benefits to an Alum Creek beach photography session:

  1. Relaxed atmosphere

    Have family members who aren’t interested in stiff, posed portraits? The beach is the perfect place to unwind, play, and walk barefoot in the sand, all of which will create a relaxed vibe for your images and allows for plenty of candids.

  2. Happy memories

    For most people, the beach is reminiscent of happy memories and family vacations, which can help evoke a sense of joy and nostalgia during your session.

  3. Natural lighting

    The light at the beach can be tricky because there aren’t any trees to diffuse strong sunlight, however if you plan a session near sunrise or sunset, you can take advantage of the warm glow and soft, even lighting that’s very flattering for portraits.

  4. Water splash fun

    Not only will playing in the water bring smiles to your faces, water adds interesting visual elements to your images, such as splash sparkles and reflections.

All images from this session were shot on film; Portra 400 and HP5+.

Interested in scheduling an Alum Creek beach photography session for yourself?




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